Pressestimmen TABU

„Durch die Regie von Nora Dirisamer kommt der Abend ohne Betroffenheitspathos aus. Scheinbar leichtfüßig ebnen Werbeeinspielungen der 50er-Jahre der Reflexion über Stereotype Frauenklischees den Weg. Wobei einem das Lachen im Hals stecken bleibt." Karin Schütze, OÖ Nachrichten 2017

"This play has stuck in my mind the most. History from the first half of the twentieth century is often viewed in the comfort of black and white moral absolutes. This shows very well how easy it is for moral absolutes to astray." Chris Neville-Smith for chrisontheatre (Brighton Fringe 2019) and Discretionary Awards 2019

“HIDDEN GEM: A must see for anyone interested in discovering not only a little known but very influential figure from the Nazi era but also exploring events that still influence attitudes to women now. “ Kate Saffin for Fringe Review (Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019)

„Karin Schmid’s utterly compelling drama gives the audience a chance to meet (and they should) skin-chilling, real-to-life detached evil.” Adelaide Fringe VIEW 2020 (Adelaide Fringe 2020)